At Regenology we believe that time-lapse shouldn’t just be about watching buildings being built or demolished. It’s about recording the internal transformation as well! And our internal time-lapse systems are perfect for that.
Maybe, you’re building a new school, office block, bus station, leisure centre or laboratory, you’ve decided you want time-lapse and you’re planning to film the building going up. Everything is good. But what about the inside?
We often forget that the internal fit out of a building is as important as the external structure. It’s the part that people will use, that visitors will interact with and that residents will live in, and it’s the part that the public can’t see being worked on. Having a link to your internal time-lapse camera on your website or social media, and being able to show the public, shareholders and investors what is going on inside the shell of the building can be an invaluable engagement and promotional tool.
Or, perhaps your project is all about the inside? Maybe you’re refurbishing a shop or a hotel, installing a new gym, sprinkler system or production line, or just want to record an internal process, be that the journey of a product around your manufacturing plant, or the building of a new F1 car! Internal time-lapse can capture that!
People don’t often associate internal works with time-lapse, but we have completed many internal projects with a lot of success. Internal time-lapse can be perfect for capturing that little bit more – and at least we don’t need to worry about the British weather!
Internal footage can be used as a standalone film, or combined with external time-lapse footage, aerial footage and/or filming and interviews, as required.
Interested in an Internal Time-lapse Camera for Your Project?
It’s never too late to add an internal camera to your project, so if you like what you see in the example films below, then please contact us today to find out more!
Example 1: Internal Refit at Cardinal Place
The internal refit of the office space at Cardinal Place in London took approximately six weeks, and one of our internal time-lapse cameras was there to record the works.
Example 2: JD Sports
When Kiwi Design redesigned the JD Sports shop at Westfield shopping centre in Stratford, our cameras were there to capture the transformation. We used multiple internal cameras to capture all areas of the work, and combined the footage into an interesting final film.
Example 3: Royton Leisure Centre (Combining External & Internal Time-lapse)
At Royton Leisure Centre, we used an external time-lapse camera to capture the building of the leisure centre itself, and an additional internal time-lapse camera to capture the installation of the swimming pool. The film was finished off with additional internal filming of the completed and newly opened centre. Capturing both the internal and external works resulted in an interesting final film.
Example 4: Laithwaites Wines
The extensive office re-fit at Laithwaites Wines transformed the working environment and created a whole new way of working for staff. As always, our team were on hand to capture the work!
Example 5: Pathology First Lab Fit Out
Over five days, our internal time-lapse cameras captured the internal fit out of the laboratory at Pathology first, including the assembly of a new power track. This was completed as a short duration time-lapse project, with a member of our team visiting site each day to capture the work, meaning the camera could be installed exactly where it was needed each day.
More Internal Time-lapse Examples: | 0151 3290 918